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meraki capital

Specialist investors in the recruitment sector


Meraki has one investment focus and that is recruitment, this allows us to be nimble and agile through acquisition, laser focussed through transition, and an investor that can add real value post-deal which creates accelerated growth and a world of opportunities, whilst enjoying our time together.


Our team’s focus is, therefore, recruitment, this will give any business peace of mind that they are dealing with industry experts. Whether the investment is a carve-out, MBO, retirement sale, stressed/distressed, investment to buy your competitor or an equity sale to de-risk, we have experience in dealing with this. Our main geographical focus is the UK, Germany, US; however, we have experience in other geographies.


The journey will start with the exploration and truly understanding the ‘ask’. What is it you are looking to achieve, by when, and where can Meraki add value?


One reason Meraki is chosen over others is our industry focus. The start of the process is exploration which will see Meraki reviewing the detail of the business plan, the business's performance to date and identifying the opportunity. The detail will be executed in-house, and this ensures industry-leading timelines to completion, the in-house team will work through the data faster than others in the marketplace. All financial and legal work will be completed by like-minded industry-focused experts, which once again allows us to work with pace. Meraki with this focus will get to indicative terms within 10 business days and look to complete a deal within 12 weeks, albeit, with time-sensitive projects we can complete within 28 days. This really is important as deals are distracting for the shareholders and the business alike, and Meraki knows this, and as we are all wrapped up in each other’s success, it’s important we do not distract the business or the shareholders throughout the exploration.


Post-completion is where Meraki excels and is one of the main reasons people chose to come with us. Meraki is fair, equitable and the leadership team has years of experience motivating and leading teams within the recruitment sector. The single most important part of the deal is that both sides are happy with the outcome and that the team being invested in is motivated and looking forward to the future with Meraki. Recruitment is an industry totally driven by people and therefore getting that right is critical. Meraki has a total focus on their people and ensuring that clear lines of communication are established, feedback and complete transparency and openness are set out from the beginning of this important journey are critical to our success. Nobody understands recruitment like Meraki, as Meraki is devoted to its people, and we are devoted to success!


Meraki Capital is backed by private wealth and our partner Institutions that have recruitment experience, the investment committee is lean, and this enables fast decisions and prevents all of the red tape and bureaucracy that is experienced elsewhere in the investment world.


Meraki is chosen due to its laser focus in the recruitment sector, industry-leading timelines to completion and an investor that really cares about its people. Meraki are open, transparent, truthful, equitable and an investment business you can rely on


Legal Handshake
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